The latter is not an option. An easy going, fun-loving, yet humble man, Glenn’s family and friends are his life. At only 60 years old, he is the father of three, grandfather of seven, and “uncle” to countless numbers. A building engineer and carpenter by trade, “Uncle Glenn” is universally loved by family, friends, coworkers, bosses – everyone. As a building engineer some years ago, when faced with the layoff of all the men working under him but asked to stay on without them, he declined. He didn’t feel it was right or fair for him to stay while everyone else was losing their livelihood. No matter where he has worked, Uncle Glenn has quickly risen through the ranks as his bosses witness his dedication and skill. And he doesn’t just do his job – he loves to teach others and share his knowledge, showing co-workers the tricks of the trade with hands-on demonstrations while they work.
In short, Uncle Glenn has a huge heart that he shares with everyone – and now he needs our help to repair that heart. The LVAD procedure he needs is not available here in Hawaiʻi – he must fly to the mainland to receive it, and he must receive it immediately. He survived an emergency interim procedure designed to help him survive the travel to Sharp Memorial Hospital in San Diego, but he must be transported by a special MediVac unit with experienced medical personnel on board. The cost for the transportation alone is $79,000 – this doesn’t include the cost of the procedure itself or the hospital stay. There will also be expenses for his wife Maria (and possibly other family) to travel with him and stay in San Diego where the procedure will be done. Insurance will only cover a portion of the procedure.
A donation site has been set up to assist with expenses – the most immediate need is for the MediVac transportation (as of this writing, he was scheduled to fly out on Friday June 27 - pending full payment). Please help – NO AMOUNT IS TOO SMALL! Www.youcaring.com/GlennDuran