Once the preliminary ballots are tabulated, HARA will mail the final ballot to all voting members. Winners will be announced at the 36th Annual Nā Hōkū Hanohano Awards ceremony to be held Saturday May 25 at the Hawaiʻi Convention Center. The awards will be televised (I haven’t yet heard if they’ll be live streamed as well). ***For a limited time only, non-HARA members who are nominees may purchase a 10-person table at the Awards ceremony for $1,250. This is the per ticket price usually extended ONLY to HARA members. Credit card orders can be called into the HARA office at (808) 593-9424.***
Nominees may take advantage of e-mail blast and mail-out services provided by HARA to contact voting members (there are fees involved). The CDs and postcards in the photo above are examples of those who have used the mail-out service – they all arrived in my mailbox today, along with the ballot. (And yes - I do listen to every CD I receive, if I donʻt already have it. If I havenʻt heard any of the entries in a category, I donʻt vote in that category.)
ARTISTS: you do not need to be a HARA member to take advantage of these services. Contact the HARA office at (808) 593-9424 or send email to [email protected] for more information. (And for future reference, you do not need to be a HARA member to submit your CD, EP, or music video for consideration in the awards!)
Whether or not an artist takes advantage of the e-mail blast or mail-out services, I encourage all nominees to let people know your work is on the preliminary ballot, and in which categories. Use your websites, your social media sites, and your YouTube site – let the world know! I will certainly be doing that for all of my clients...
Not a HARA voting member? There’s still time to become a member and be eligible to vote on the final ballot for 2013 if you act quickly! Here are the eligibility requirements, and here is the application.
The general public will again have the opportunity to vote for Favorite Entertainer of the Year, however HARA has not yet announced where and how, so stay tuned!